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Come Train With Us

For the first time since 2019, Affair of Honor is excited to announce FIGHT LAB 2022 in tandem with Company Classes! We will be holding a variety of short form workshops and long form company classes from March 5th -17th at the amazing Presentation House Theatre. We are so excited to host these events in person and welcome you into our rehearsal halls once more! For anyone looking to participate in the upcoming Fight Directors Canada Nationals workshop, we have a variety of courses to either brush up on your skills, or get you ready for the concepts and techniques you will be learning. 


All workshops are in support of our upcoming production of Jovanni Sy’s The Five Vengeances.

Class, pricing, schedule and information is located below.  Please note health, safety policies and requirements at the bottom of this post! To register for classes email: 


Workshop Schedule (1).png


Not Your Average Staff Meeting - Quarterstaff Essentials 

March 5th

1pm- 5 pm (4hrs)

Cost: $60

Spots Available: Waitlist or New Date Added Below

Learn to work with Little John’s weapon of choice. We will go over how to parry, attack, spin, thrust and get a little flashy using a long form weapon.  Quarterstaff fundamentals builds your awareness of using a double ended weapon, challenges your spatial awareness and is a great transition into double handed swords.  Come find out just how many ways there are to fight your friends with sticks!


Like Mikey - Nunchaku level 1 

March 7th

1pm - 3pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 6

Come play with one of the most extra weapons around! This class will focus on the basic skills and techniques to handle Nunchucks! Discover the importance of momentum and direction of energy in solo practice and how to work with this flexible weapon in choreography. Class open for those with little to no nunchaku experience! Soft practice chuks will be provided and available for purchase after class. 


ABC’s - Sword 1

March 8th

1pm - 3pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available:Waitlist Or New Date Added Below

This class is all about foundations, perfect if you have never held a sword before or are looking to work your fundamentals.  We will cover the basics of sword including footwork, parries, and attacks while introducing the safeties and techniques that are used to keep a fight flashy, fast and safe. 

My Name’s Will Turner (My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner) - Sword 2

March 9th

1pm - 3pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: Waitlist

Prerequisite: ABC's Sword 1 or FDC Basic certification 

Sword two will be focused on picking up AOH choreography and bringing it up to performance level. We will explore and play with a single sword sequence, introducing different character traits, intentions and motivators, to see how they impact the choreography. We will also introduce more complex footwork, challenging spatial awareness and dynamic movement.


Down The Floor - Movement Essentials  

March 10th

1pm - 3pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 3

Join us for a long form AOH classic! Learn some of our classic company warm ups, used to build stamina for our fight heavy shows.  This class is all about moving. Following simple to complex movements, come explore how your body can move! We will focus on enhancing dynamic movement, animal flow and how we connect ensembles. 


Move The Earth - Suzuki 

March 11th

1pm - 3pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 5

Explore the potential of the human container and performance using Suzuki techniques.  All forms put emphasis on the body and the formation of internal impulse.  Come and explore the techniques we use to connect with our bodies and push our physical limits. These forms help ground the actor and build the feeling of ensemble with actors that have never worked together before.  

*Participants will be required to wear Tabi or socks during this workshop.

Suzuki is a physical theatre medium developed by Tadashi Suzuki from Toga, Japan. Used in training by many physical theatre companies. The work is physically demanding but encourages actor impulse, ensemble building and group mind. This workshop will explore the basics of Suzuki how they relate to building non verbal relationships between bodies and how this medium effects fight choreography and partnering. Come learn to push the potential of the human body and how it can affect performance and immediacy of emotion through the fundamentals of Suzuki.


Stick It To ‘Em - Small Sword Essentials

March 12th

1pm - 5pm (4hrs)

Cost: $60

Spots Available: 6

Requirement: FDC Basic

Hello actor combatants! To celebrate nationals coming to Vancouver in June, we are holding this workshop for people to get some preparation time or have a space to continually work on personal practice.  This class is great for levels FDC Basic and above.  This class will be focused on complex drills, compound footwork, communication and partnering skills. 


DEFG - Sword Essentials 

March 14th

1pm - 5pm (4hrs)

Cost: $60

Spots Available: 2

This is a great class for beginners and an excellent addition to sword 1 class (ABC’s). This long form class will build a solid introduction to swordplay. Using safeties and techniques used to create dynamic and exciting stage fights, you will learn a sequence of choreography with your classmates to put these skills into action. 



Holy Hardware Batman! - Stage Combat Utility Belt

March 14th

7pm - 9pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 10

Learn how to prepare for an Affair of Honor fight.  As fight directors, we are only one piece of the puzzle.  It is up to the actor’s skill, discipline and personal practice to sell the fights night after night.  In this class, you will learn a choreographed stage combat sequence.  We will work this choreo using the tools we practice with our ensemble to prepare between rehearsals, shows and most importantly for your fight partner.  Tools include: character motivations, carrying injuries and working safeties to create a hard hitting fast fight. Learn how to notate your choreography, practice without a partner and learn the vocabulary (based off of the Fight Directors Canada Curriculum) we use to communicate with our ensemble. This class will set you up with the skills to advocate for your needs in any production that contains stage combat.


Clinical Precision - Smallsword  

March 15th

1pm - 3pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 7

Prerequisite: FDC Intermediate

Speed! This class will be focused on smallsword technique, using complex footwork and compound attacks, we will work to fly with a fight.  We will quickly introduce choreography and bring it up to advanced show level performance. This class is perfect for anyone looking to take their Advanced Level with FDC. 



N’Sync - Structure Play

March 15th

7pm - 9pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 10

This is a class where we will build an AOH movement number on our structures.  The main ingredient is Ensemble chemistry.  Learn how we train our ensembles by focusing on timing, synchronicity, and specificity of movement. We will challenge spatial awareness while working around moving bodies, large set pieces and dynamic fight and movement choreography.


Whip, Flip and Rip - Nunchaku LvL 2 

March 16th

1pm - 3pm (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 10

Prerequisite: Nunchaku 1 or AOH Nunchaku Performers 

This class will build on the skills learned in Nunchaku 1 and start to experiment with more flash. From quick hand passing to spinning and throwing, we will be picking up speed. You will learn a choreographed nunchuk sequence.  Get ready for the Sandstorm. 



ABC’s 2 - Sword 1

March 16th

7pm - 9pm  (2hrs)

Cost: $30

Spots Available: 8

This class is all about foundations, perfect if you have never held a sword before or are looking to work your fundamentals.  We will cover the basics of sword including footwork, parries, and attacks while introducing the safeties and techniques that are used to keep a fight flashy, fast and safe. 


Ramp Up  - Structure Play 

March 17th

1pm - 5pm (4hrs)


Spots Available: 4

Come learn how to play on dynamic set pieces. This class will cover basic safeties to move effectively on the ramps and explore how to traverse a jungle gym of a set. We will run, jump, slide and roll across the floor! In the end we will create an ensemble movement piece used in AOH productions using the structures and the bodies in the room.



Not Your Average Staff Meeting 2  - Quarterstaff Essentials 

March 21st

6pm - 10 pm (4hrs)

Cost: $60

Spots Available: 6

Learn to work with Little John’s weapon of choice. We will go over how to parry, attack, spin, thrust and get a little flashy using a long form weapon.  Quarterstaff fundamentals builds your awareness of using a double ended weapon, challenges your spatial awareness and is a great transition into double handed swords.  Come find out just how many ways there are to fight your friends with sticks!


MARCH 7th - 10th




Company foundations is an inside look into how Affair of Honor creates and prepares for shows. Using physical theatre and stage combat mediums the artist will come out with the foundational skills and safeties used in all our productions.


Come train and play on this set.


What we will cover:​

  • Physical movement drills and skills used in productions

  • Honing range of motion with a focus on stamina and strength training

  • Dynamic movement and choreography retention

  • Text and movement work

  • How to work with ramp structures

  • Double stick work

  • Working in an ensemble and creating an ensemble movement piece

  • Learning a basic fight between partners



Artists who have completed actor training programs and/or have professional experience.


Cost: $350

PHT Hub Member or current FDC MEMBERSHIP $300

7 Spaces Available


Email: to register or use the website sign up below.


Payment options available after registration E-transfer or Paypal.


Proof of vaccination is required to attend all in-studio classes.

Due to the physical nature of the work, masks will be worn during workshops.



Cancellations made more than 7 days in advance of the start date will receive a 100% refund of the workshop fee.


Cancellations made within a week to the workshop start date will incur a $10 cancellation charge onto their refund for short form workshops and/or a $75 cancellation charge onto their refund for Company Classes.


No refunds will be given once the workshop has started.

A look into our workshops.

Sign Up Right Here

Register by giving us your name and what workshop you want to sign up for.

Thanks for submitting!
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